LAS VEGAS (AP) — Nevada recorded its deadliest month of the coronavirus pandemic in January after reporting eight additional coronavirus deaths over the weekend.
The most common cause of death in the South American country that year was due to circulatory system diseases, which caused the death of 31,729 individuals. Tumors and COVID-19 followed, with more than 29,000 reported fatal cases and over 22,900 deaths, respectively....
Federal authorities have pinpointed which diseases that can be passed between animals and humans are the most concerning for the U.S.
Here's a list of the most threatened animal species in the world. It approximates how many of each exist in the wild and also indicates which efforts, if any, are being used to save them.
knowingwhen mosquitoes are activecan help keep you and your family safe from these and other illnesses. For thousands of years, mosquitoes have spread malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever and other diseases. Some estimates suggest that mosquitoes have contributed to half of all human deaths through...
Ranking these medications according to ROR, the top five medications with ROR values related to suicidal ideation or self-injurious were alprazolam, zolpidem, amphetamine, quetiapine, and fluoxetine. Further analysis showed that suicide-related adverse events were more frequently reported in females. ...
Over 50% of all deaths worldwide are attributed to chronic inflammatory diseases Got cancer, cardiovascular disease, dementia, diabetes, or likelihood of a stroke? Odds are you’re suffering from chronic inflammation, which can be reduced in a number of ways that don’t even cost much money....
They average around 8 feet (2.5 meters) in length.Fast and deadly, these blue-tinged snakes are thought to be responsible for up to 20,000 deaths a year, though precise numbers are hard to come by. Is a black mamba bite always fatal? Africa's deadliest snake, the black mamba (...
Although the infant deaths were determined to be due to Cronobacter Sakazakii infection, Abbott Nutrition maintains that the strains found in the investigation of the bacterial infections don’t match those in their facility in Sturgis, Michigan, and the recalled products. (34) How Long Must I Mo...
Human influenza is one of the most common human infectious diseases, contributing to approximately one million deaths every year. In Germany, each year between 5.000 and 20.000 individuals die from severe influenza infections. In several countries, the morbidity and mortality of influenza is greatly ...