Here is a list of some of the most popular TV series and trending shows of 2024 (according to IMDb, in no particular order). The Most Trending TV Shows this Year 1. House Of The Dragon Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure, DramaIMDb Rating: 8.5/10 In the centuries before the events of...
"Peaky Blinders" thrilled fans for six seasons, chronicling the titular crime gang loosely based on a real urban British youth gang in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Costuming is key for period pieces like this—but unfortunately, a costuming-related gaffe slipped by in the editing ...
The beautiful small town of Smyrna takes pride in honoring the past and its origins while being aware of the present and looking to the future. The town has visitors satisfied in their search for the perfect small town in the northeast. Located between Duck Creek and Lake Como, the nature ...
Every Indian cricket lover is familiar with this name. An Indian cricketer who holds the record for his highest individual score of 264 and 3 double-centuries in an ODI format. His amazing batting skill makes him very famous and cricket lovers are just like this player. Mumbai Indians, an ...