The historicEl Rancho Hotel,built in 1936, bills itself as a favorite of movie stars who filmed Westerns in the area in the '30s and '40s. John Wayne, Katherine Hepburn, and Humphrey Bogart all stayed there.Route 66 travelers can book a room named after one of the stars. Blue Hole (S...
A new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau rule means consumers’ hospital and doctor bills can no longer weigh down their credit scores. Dawn PapandreaJan. 9, 2025 Medical Debt Ousted From Credit Reports Tax breaks were a big issue on the campaign trail, and Congress will be focusing on ways...
While there are numerous stablecoins with better reputations, crypto is in need of tighter and smarter regulations surrounding them. To reign in the chaos, North Carolina’s Patrick T. Henry introduced the “Clarity for Payment Stablecoins Act of 2023” on 7/20/2023. The bill’s key provisio...
There were countless negatives to 2018, but there was alsoso much good. 2018 showed us how very generous and thoughtful people can be. It taught us about the magical power of connection. And it introduced us to one of our most-beloved humans on the planet. ...
Connolly said in a statement that he was“incredibly proud and honored”by the CEL distinction. Bacon earned a 6.137 LES by introducing 50 bills in the last Congress, with two of them clearing the House and one becoming law. The report also identified 16 bills Bacon introduced that later “...
In his book, Brainwashing in Red China, Hunter introduced the concept at a time when Americans were already afraid: It was the Cold War, and America panicked at the idea of mass communist indoctrination through "brainwashing" — they might be converted and not even know it! [source: Boisson...
Good luck! viii 5G0MA1 T® QUESTIONS Blank Page SECTION 1 GMAT Writing Section Strong writing skills are a prized asset in the business world. The abil- ity to make a cohesive argument and communicate it clearly is something that you can use in any facet of the business world. The ...
Some of the most powerful politicians in Washington are calling for a change in one of the fundamental ways that Congress does business. Members of Congress have allotted over $16.5 billion in 2010 towards earmarks, provisions that lawmakers insert i...
CONFIRMED BY ILL. SUPREME COURT-- YOU ARE VIEWING THE MOST DANGEROUS BLOG IN ILLINOIS. This blog warranted a 3 year suspension by the ARDC/Jerome Larkin! Mottos: "Sunlight is the best disinfectant". Justice Louis Brandeis ; "If the truth can destroy
expression.In the year 2024 alone,more than 500 billsthe American Civil Liberties Union identifies as anti-LGBTQ+ were introduced in state legislatures.The topics most commonly included gender-affirming care for minors, inclusion or exclusion of topics of gender in K-12 schools, and restricting ...