) Wicked in the extreme; abominable; iniquitous; atrociously villainous; execrable; detestably vile. Nefasch (n.) Any fish of the genus Distichodus. Several large species inhabit the Nile. Nefast (a.) Wicked. Negation (adv.) The act of denying; assertion of the nonreality or un...
Just to be clear here. None of these cities and states have mandated paid sick leave because they were feeling kind and charitable. These laws were enacted because local activists fought for them. You won’t here about the Paid Sick Days for All Coalition on the six o’clock news. The c...
in fact, that this list was very hard to write. Odd at first glance because we also remember the 80s as a decade of truly atrocious ballads and “power-ballads” produced by hair bands and past-their-prime types… I have gleefully ignored...
The atrocious behavior of guests is one thing that just boggles my mind. I have never in my life dealt with cheaper, and ruder individuals in my life. We have a saying in the business that goes like "I used to be a people person, but then people ruined it for me". EVERY single ...