在2024军械展中,俄罗斯展示了他们最先进的防空系统——S-500 "普罗米修斯"。这套系统旨在实现更远的射程,并有能力在600公里外拦截空中威胁目标,对速度超过音速五倍的目标进行连续出击,同时具备同时追踪和截击多个弹道目标的能力。装备了先进的雷达系统如获取雷达91N6A及多功能雷达96L6TSP等,在复杂环境中增强探测、跟踪...
Set in the near future, this introspective film presents a unique take on modern relationships by focusing on a lonely man who falls in love with an advanced operating system voiced by Scarlett Johansson. Joaquin Phoenix's heartfelt performance as the protagonist showcases his character's emotional...
Jacqui Frank
A recent ranking of the 49 most dangeroussubmarinesin the world includes A-list heavy hitters, but also some of the smallest subs in service. It also features some of the most advanced submarines in the world, including the AmericanOhio-class guided missile submarines—each of which can blanket...
Japan, one of the world’s most literate and technically advanced nations, is an East Asian country made up of four main islands. While most of Japan is covered by mountains and heavily wooded areas, the country’s roughly 126 million people lead a distinctly urban lifestyle. Long culturally...
What are the world’s most advanced fighter jets in air combat, where speed and altitude are not everything but rather the ability to precisely strike an airborne or ground target and return home safely? Is being an advanced fighter jet a matter of aesthetics, patriotism, stealth, or ...
In this article, we will look at the 10 Biggest and Most Powerful Destroyer Ships in the World. LATEST VIDEOS 1. USS Zumwalt (DDG-1000), United States The lead ship of the U.S. Navy’s Zumwalt Class, this guided-missile destroyer is considered to be the world’s most advanced surface...
Let's face it now, you can't make a good game without this trope. Paku-paku-paku-paku-paku-paku-paku... Also commonly rendered as "waka-waka-waka-waka" In Championship Edition DX, the sound of tens of ghost being eaten in a very short succession is consi
debate, depending on how one defines it. It can vary on factors such as technology, firepower, stealth, and overall capabilities to execute wide-range mission objectives. However, based on the current consensus, here are six of the world’s most potent and advanced nuclear-powered submarines ...
deeply disturbing use of an advanced anti-tank missile in a fatal attack on a yellow school bus, Israel responded by exercising [...] daccess-ods.un.org 在以色列南部平民目标遭受数十次火箭 弹袭击,包括令人严重不安的用先进的反坦克导弹致 命袭击一 辆黄色校车之后,以色列作出反应,行使了 其不...