This sophomore effort, after the darkly sublime absurdity ofRiots I have Known, trades in the prison industrial complex for the Silicon Valley scam. Chapman has a sharp eye and a sharper wit, and a book billed as a “bracing satire about the implosion of a Theranos-like company, a collapsi...
From the early 20th century onward, mainstream Protestant denominations increasingly turned toward more modern Bible translations, which have been able to provide more accurate readings of the source texts, thanks to the use of more recently discovered ancient Semitic texts unavailable in 1611. Still,...
We said that every 40 years, 7 minor lunar cycles are completed, but every 4000 years the leap-month is omitted. Thus there are yet larger 4000 year-cycles as well as the 40 year. (Note that 4000 is 40 x 100---both of these numbers can refer to a generation in the Bible. Also ...
32. Translo Category:Translation Connect to API The Translo API is like Google Translate on steroids and is 3x more accurate. Endpoints: Translate –translate text and keeps emoji and html safe and sound Batch_translate – translate groups in a fixed order Detect – detects the language of te...
Here are 15 majestic species that succumbed to anthropogenic extinction in the past 10,000 years due to hunting or habitat destruction, with information on when and why each went extinct.
. If we narrowly restrict ourselves to Y2K for what is the prophetic solar year, we know that whatever the next cycle is, it must be quite large. Y2K would can for the next cycle to be about x300. This means that the 1000-year calendar would continue to be accurate for at least 300...
Translation: “I lost the argument, and am unwilling to admit it.” Reply Shane November 12, 2023 at 11:43 am. Permalink. I’m annoyed to see most of what’s on that list because a lot of times they are things that are true. Here’s one that does bother me as a single perso...