While moss lawns are an excellent alternative to grass lawns, finding random clusters of moss in the middle of your lawn is probably not what you want. In addition to diminishing your lawn’s curb appeal, the presence of moss can indicate soil problems you should address as soon as possible...
then you have a problem. When trying to get a lush carpet of grass in place of moss, you might find that you have less than perfect conditions for growing a thick lawn. Since moss is an indicator of many things, you may have to take additional steps to improving your ...
Some of you want to get rid of the moss in your lawn and others want to grow more of it in special places like rocks and logs. Moss is a fairly good ground cover, it can take some traffic, and never needs to be mowed. It doesn’t need to be fertilized because it prefers low nu...
Lots of people want to know how to get rid of moss in the law, but a better question to ask is, “why does moss grow in lawns?”The most common response to this question is that the lawn receives too much shade and that the soil is acidic. The common advice is that grass will ...
I’ve learned that the best way to promote moss growth is through grooming. Getting rid of grass, weeds, and fallen twigs and leaves makes it easier for the moss to hold its own. Idon’t use any chemicals, because I don’t know what long-term effects they might have on the moss. ...
Moss lawns are beautiful and low-maintenance, as already mentioned. But their perks don’t end there. Here’s why a moss lawn is superior to a grass one: Moss lawns don’t require irrigation, mowing, aeration, or dethatching like conventional grass lawns. They grow well in poor, compacte...
Why Install Moss Instead of Grass? Moss has a lot going for it as a ground cover. It thrives in shade, which grass doesn't, but won'tgrow in hot sun. It grows fast, stays low to the ground, and grows so densely that it keeps weeds down and prevents erosion. It thrives in low-...
Why Install Moss Instead of Grass? Moss has a lot going for it as a ground cover. It thrives in shade, which grass doesn't, but won'tgrow in hot sun. It grows fast, stays low to the ground, and grows so densely that it keeps weeds down and prevents erosion. It thrives in low-...
Where to grow moss Moss creates a thick, velvety green mat in spots where most grasses and other plants struggle. Consider moss for areas with: • Deep shade • Compacted soil • Moist, acid soil • Shady slopes • Shallow, difficult soil near tree trunks and roots. ...
then brush and hose off. Again, damage to clothing, other plants and grass is possible, so follow directions on bottle carefully. The use of this method may keep moss from regrowing for up to one year. Brands of bleach specifically concentrated for killing mosses can be found in most garde...