mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t kitchen/sensor/temperature -m22-q2 mosquitto_sub example Let’s subscribe to the status of the coffee maker: mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t kitchen/coffeemaker -q1 Or, here is an example of subscribing to all sensors located in the kitchen: mosquitto_sub -t k...
Example(Extracting payload from anMQTT packet): mqttx sub -t topic --output-mode clean | jq '.payload' Example(Restructuring data with additional details): mqttx sub -t topic --output-mode clean | jq '{topic, payload, retain: .packet.retain, userProperties:
mosquitto_subbug information can be found at SEEALSO mqtt(7),mosquitto_pub(1),mosquitto(8),libmosquitto(3),mosquitto-tls(7) AUTHOR Roger Light <>
Try mosquitto_sub -L mqtts://x:x@x//x/x/test (the double // is not a typo because your example topic begins with /) Author DaveDavenport commented Sep 28, 2023 That works, but is a bit confusing. In another situation I use -h (and no authentication) and -t and this works ...
Example 1. Remove all retained messages on the server, assuming we have access to do so, and then exit: mosquitto_sub -t # --remove-retained --retained-only Example 2. Remove a whole tree, with the exception of a single topic: mosquitto_sub -t bbc/# -T bbc/bbc1 --remove-ret...
What's probably more relevant to me is that even the programs I'm trying to build that make use of it run into similar issues. The temperature conversion example throws the exact same error. I'm at my wit's end trying to figure this out. I know for sure that I'm the one doing ...
@and\. Sequences starting with%are either parameters related to the MQTT message being printed, or are helper sequences to avoid the need to type long date format strings for example. Sequences starting with@are passed to thestrftime(3) function (with the @ replaced with a % - note that...