mosquitto paho python loop() loop_start()的用处 loop函数主要的用途在于读取、写入接收缓存区的或者发送缓冲区中的数据,并调用对应的回调函数。 Understanding The Loop -Using The Python MQTT Client When writing code using the Paho Python client you would have had to use the loop() function . In th...
This doesnothappen on desktop linux, but is happening on openwrt builds of libmosquitto. The situation is starting a threaded client app with the target broker not running. The call to mosquitto_loop_start() succeeds, but the thread dies immediately on "connection refused" athttp://git.eclip...
文档中说loop_Start()返回“如果线程支持不可用,则返回MOSQ_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED”。这将导致be because...
lock-on-active:这个一般和agenda-group或ruleflow-group结合使用,它可以保证当前规则只执行一次,如果下方别的规则导致该规则重新符合执行条件,则也不会执行,而(no-loop)会重新执行。 lock-on-active可以理解为增强的...
("mosquitto loop start successful\n"); } } // STATIC void MainServer::stdinCB(evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void *arg){ MainServer *server = (MainServer*)arg; char recvline[80]; bzero(recvline,sizeof(recvline)); ssize_t size = read(fd, recvline, sizeof(recvline)); recv...