mosquitto_new mosquitto_int_option mosquitto_connect_v5_callback_set mosquitto_disconnect_v5_callback_set mosquitto_publish_v5_callback_set mosquitto_message_v5_callback_set mosquitto_subscribe_v5_callback_set mosquitto_unsubscribe_v5_callback_set mosquitto_log_callback_set mosquitto_loop_start mosquitt...
Hi, we are using libmosquitto in an externally threaded way (mosquitto_threaded_set(conn, 1)). We have one thread running mosquitto_loop_forever() and want to make this exit by calling mosquitto_disconnect() in another thread. This usual...
1728664956: Client 180645f5 has exceeded timeout, disconnecting. 1728665091: mosquitto version 2.0.19 terminating This happens with no warnings or anything else seemingly as the cause.
I have a GUI program, I detach a thread to run mosquitto_loop_forever. When received signal from user's close-button-click, I should let mosquitto object disconnect with broker and destroy itself to free its memory. So, In another thread...
The command killall -HUP which is used by i.e. the logrotate script in Ubuntu causes mosquitto to disconnect all clients, which leads to problems in some situations. This problem seam to be realted to the reload of the configuration file and the content in the config. ...
eclipse-mosquitto/mosquittoPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork2.4k Star9k New issue kavidriodopened this issueAug 23, 2019· 1 comment kavidriodcommentedAug 23, 2019• edited MQTT Client disconnects on changing date and time in Android device,Error code...
And a clientmyclientconnected via unix socket, trying to save the database while receiving a PINGREQ makes the client disconnect Sep 13 16:36:52 mosquitto[23003]: 1726256212: Saving in-memory database to /var/mosquitto/mosquitto.db.
Though a change in behavior, I suggest that by default a failure should cause a disconnect. A silent failure causes more trouble than it solves. If you disagree, please edit the commit and change it to false. If you consider that giving the user the option is not needed, just discard th...
Paho client version - v1.3.0 I am trying a simple example that connects to Mosquitto on localhost, publish a message and then disconnects. Here is a code snippet: int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { MQTTClient client; MQTTClient_connectO...