在mosquitto_connect()函数中禁用重试可以通过设置mosquitto_connect_options结构体中的retry字段为0来实现。mosquitto_connect_options结构体是用于设置连接选项的,retry字段用于指定连接失败时的重试次数。将retry字段设置为0即可禁用重试。 禁用重试的主要优势是可以避免在连接失败时进行自动重连,从而提高连接的稳定性和可靠...
mosquitto_connect_callback_set(mosq, on_connect); ``` 这段代码中,我们定义了一个on_connect函数作为连接回调函数。在连接成功时,会输出"Connected to broker",在连接失败时,会输出"Connection failed: rc",其中rc为具体的错误代码。然后,我们使用mosquitto_connect_callback_set函数将这个函数设置为连接回调函数。
//2. 设置回调客户端 mosquitto_connect_callback_set(m_pSubHandle, MosqMqttConnect); 1. 2. //描述:连接的回调函数 void MosqMqttConnect(struct mosquitto* mosq, void* userdata, int result) { CMosqSrv *pCMosqSrv = (CMosqSrv*)userdata; if (pCMosqSrv != nullptr) { DTRACE(L_DETAIL, DB...
mosquitto_connect相当于是 mosquitto 连接的一个握手过程. 可以自己用mosquitto_reconnect实现连接失败后重连, 假如允许重连n次, 那么总的timeout就等于n * keepalive. 比如这里给出一个重新连接次数为3的例子:int reconnect_time = 0; int result = 1; while (reconnect_time < 3 && result) { result = mos...
你应该是用的 eclipse 提供的libmosquitto这个连接库吧.如果是这样的话, 那么mosquitto_connect确实没有...
I use Mosquitto v2.0.11 on Linux as client, connect to a remote broker using TLS certs and keys on port 8883. In the beginning, everything works perfectly: mosquitto_connect returns success, connect_callback called with success, can subs...
I am writing a C program to connect to MQTT using mosquitto library v1.5.8. When I try to connect to the broker the mosquitto_connect API returns no error but the connect callback is never called. I am using the same username and passwor...
Ubuntu 使用的是update-motd,它是一个动态 motd 生成工具。从手册页: UNIX/Linux 系统管理员通常通过在文件 /etc/motd 中维护文本来向控制台和远程用户传达重要信息,该文件由 pam_motd(8) 模块在交互式 shell 登录时显示。
I have docker desktop installed to replace a dying Pi that had pihoe and mosquitto installed. I got pihole image installed and running, but when I install mosquitto, I cannot connect to it (toke/mosquitto). The config …
HelloeverybodyI'm facing a problem in my home automation project that is based on a mosquitomqtt broker that needs to connect to some clients on the same network node red esp32mqtt client app on the phone but the problem ...