I'm constantly getting the "A TLS error occurred" message using the mosquitto_pub command from terminal on localhost. The strange thing is that setting the same parameters in MQTT.fx GUI tool on localhost it works nice: i can connect, subscribe and publish messages. I have been struggling ...
Mosquitto version: 2.0.18 mosquitto_sub -d --insecure -h -p 8883 -t test -u test-user -P test-pwd Unable to connect (A TLS error occurred.). Mosquitto log: 1706611361: mosquitto version 2.0.18 starting 1706611361: Config loa...
没什么问题, 但是在执行mosquitto_pub,mosquitto_sub命令时, 得到了Error: A TLS error occurred.错误. $ mosquitto_pub -t 'room01/sensors' -m '我的消息' --cafile /etc/mosquitto/certs/ca.crt --cert /etc/mosquitto/certs/client.crt --key /etc/mosquitto/certs/client.key -h --...
Error: A TLS error occurred. I’ve made sure no VPN is running and the firewall is closed and yet I get the above error message. any thoughts on why this doesn’t work under the windows machine? Thanks much in advance! Ram Reply stevesays: March 28, 2022 at 2:11 pm Hi You look...
Error: A TLS error occurred. Hi I have followed steps mentioned here From admin cmd I run mosquitto_pub -h My-PC -t house/bulb1 –cafile c:\mosquitto\Certs\m2mqtt_ca.crt -m “test message” -p 8883 Error: A TLS error occurred. ...
我已经在端口8883上设置了带有SSL的Mosquitto。然而,当我尝试连接时,我得到一个错误" error : a TLS error occurred“ 我查看了蚊子的日志,在日志中看到了"SSL is disabled“。我不认为这是我们所期望的。我的配置文件(注意:mqtt.test.com不是实际的主机): autosave_interval 1800persistenc ...
pub --cafile C:\\Dati\\mosquitto\\ca.crt -h -i "MQTT_FX_Client" -t "test" -m "message" -p 8893 -d\nClient MQTT_FX_Client sending CONNECT\nOpenSSL Error: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed\nError: A TLS error occurred....
The client is not subscribed to the correct topics, or an error occurred while creating the subscription. Broker’s access restriction policies apply (you may need to check your Mosquitto configuration). Volumes don’t work for Windows On Windows, users can experience problems with docker volumes...
print(f”An error occurred: {str(e)}”) client.on_publish = on_publish Reply stevesays: September 14, 2023 at 11:26 am You can’t use the same sever cert on the pi unless it has the same name or ip address as the droplet. Try creating new certificates for the pi. ...