Hi, I’m using a soundblaster Audigy 2Zs card/AKG K121 studio (headphones)somewhat quiet environment (pc tower)”For this test”/ I recently made mistake of crouching down in front of my MARSHALL 50/50 stereo head w/2 4×12 cabs pointed right at me-4ft away and was configuring a n...
Those of you who are regular readers ofwill have noticed a recent feature:The Teenager Audio Test, otherwise known as “the Mosquito,” a mysterious sound that only youngsters can hear. We at Easy Ear Training love anything that gets people thinking about exploring their ears, but this page ...
Sound attraction assay The sound attraction assay was performed in a chamber with a temperature of 28 °C and humidity of 80%. Seven-day-old ♂’s were sex separated after the pupae stage. The day before testing, 30–40 ♂’s were transferred by mouth aspiration to a 15-cm3 mesh cag...
insects, mosquito, mosquito bite prevention, mosquito bites, mosquito control, mosquito repellent, mosquito zapper, mosquito-borne disease, Mosquitoes, mozzies, music, personal protection measures, repellents, Ross River Fever, scicomm, science, science communication, skrillex, sound based insect repellent...