Define Mosquito bites. Mosquito bites synonyms, Mosquito bites pronunciation, Mosquito bites translation, English dictionary definition of Mosquito bites. n. pl. Mosquito or Mos·qui·tos See Miskito. n. pl. mos·qui·toes or mos·qui·tos Any of numerou
the life-cycle of the butterfly.ciclo 2. a series of poems, songs etc written about one main event etc. a song cycle.ciclo 3. (of alternating current, radio waves etc) one complete series of changes in a regularly varying supply, signal etc. cicloˈcyclic adjective cíclicoˈ...
pools, open containers, and other aquatic habitats—the particular type of habitat depending on the species. The aquatic larvae, or wrigglers, pass through four larval stages, feeding on microscopic animal and plant life. Except in the genusAnopheles,the wriggler has an air tube ...
takes no food but surfaces often to breathe through air tubes on its thorax. One method of mosquito control is the spreading of oily substances on infested water, which prevents access to air and suffocates the pupae. In summer the life cycle may take only two weeks, resulting in several ...
Define culex mosquito. culex mosquito synonyms, culex mosquito pronunciation, culex mosquito translation, English dictionary definition of culex mosquito. n. pl. cu·li·ces Any of various mosquitoes of the genus Culex, which includes the common house mo
Google Share on Facebook crane fly (redirected fromMosquito eater) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Related to Mosquito eater:crane fly,Daddy long legs crane fly n. Any of numerous long-legged, slender-bodied flies of the family Tipulidae and several other families of the suborder Nematocera that have the ...