In the world of electronics, transistors are considered the main component and are used in different electronic circuits and projects. The MOSFET or metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor and BJT are commonly used types of transistor. The kno
To work as an open switch, a BJT operates in cut-off mode, here there is zero collector current, meaning ideally zero power is consumed by the BJT. On the other hand, to work as a closed switch, a BJT works in saturation mode, there are a high collector curre...
US5418702 * 1994年8月3日 1995年5月23日 U.S. Philips Corporation Switch mode power supply with BJT/MOSFET cascode circuitUS5418702 * Aug 3, 1994 May 23, 1995 U.S. Philips Corporation Switch mode power supply with BJT/MOSFET cascode circuit...
Re: BJT vs MOSFET for linear power supply output « Reply #1 on: December 02, 2015, 04:38:36 pm » The MOSFET will have to dissipate just as much as heat as the BJT to produce the same results in a linear supply, so you wont really be saving any space at all. I'd just ...
MOSFET结构中还寄生有NPN型双极晶体管(BJT),正常工作时并不会开启。但如果BJT开启并进入饱和区,将产生闩锁效应,这时只有从外部关断漏极电流才能关断MOSFET。闩锁效应产生大量的热会烧毁器件。 寄生BJT的基极与MOSFET源极短接用来防止闩锁效应,并且如果基极悬空,会极大的降低击穿电压(对同样的RDS(on) 来说)。理论上讲...
研究点推荐 resonant converters bjt-mosfet caxode-connected power switch 0关于我们 百度学术集成海量学术资源,融合人工智能、深度学习、大数据分析等技术,为科研工作者提供全面快捷的学术服务。在这里我们保持学习的态度,不忘初心,砥砺前行。了解更多>> 友情链接 ...
BJT vs FET Diac vs Triac JUGFET vs MOSFET Analog vs Digital Multimeter LED vs Laser Microphone basics and types Resistor basics Electrolytic capacitor Capacitor basics Inductor basics Transducer Thermistor Relay Reed Switch Photo Diode vs Photo Transistor ...
• Low power lighting(low frequency < 100 KHz) Above mentioned difference between MOSFET and IGBT in tabular form is very useful to understand MOSFET vs IGBT difference. MOSFET and BJT related links What is Difference between RF and Wireless Terminologies...
I am using LEDs as an example but the load will vary, such as a combo of LEDs and motors. I want to use the same voltage source(3.7V battery). At any given time, only one load is in use but the...
MOSFET结构中还寄生有NPN型双极晶体管(BJT),正常工作时并不会开启。但如果BJT开启并进入饱和区,将产生闩锁效应,这时只有从外部关断漏极电流才能关断MOSFET。闩锁效应产生大量的热会烧毁器件。 寄生BJT的基极与MOSFET源极短接用来防止闩锁效应,并且如果基极悬空,会极大的降低击穿电压(对同样的RDS(on) 来说)。理论上讲...