Elders Appointed to Aid MosesNumbers 1116 耶和华叫摩西选立七十长老耶和华对摩西说:“你要从以色列的长老中为我召聚七十个人,就是你认识的民间的长老和官长,领他们到会幕那里,叫他们与你一同站在那里。 17 我要在那里降临,与你说话,也要把在你身上的灵,分给他们,他们就与你一同担当管理人民的责任,免得你...
9.0 演员(饰 Jolene) 欧比旺:绝地归来2022 8.3 演员- 自己 麦克白的悲剧2021 7.2 演员(饰 Lady Macduff) 欧比旺2022 6.7 演员(饰 Inquisitor Reva / Third Sister) 湖中女人2024 6.6 演员(饰 Cleo Sherwood) 与爱共舞2022 6.5 演员(饰 Robyn Crawford) ...
民数记 11:11 — 1890 Darby Bible (DARBY) 11And Moses said to Jehovah, Why hast thou done evil to thy servant, and why have I not found favour in thine eyes, that thou layest the burden of all this people upon me? 民数记 11:11 — GOD’S WORD Translation (GW) ...
10Then Moses heard the people of family after family weeping at the entrances to their tents, and the anger of the LORD was kindled greatly, and Moses was also displeased. 11So Moses asked the LORD, “Why have You brought this trouble on Your servant? Why have I not found favor in Yo...
Moses gave careful instructions to the Hebrew people:Take a male lamb without blemish or fault, the firstborn of its mother. It can be from the sheep or from the goats. Keep it apart for 4 days, and then it will be killed in the evening of that 4th day. You will take the blood ...
Moses came and told the people all the words of the LORD and all the rules. And all the people answered with one voice and said, “All the words...
Moses, with the levitical priests, then said to all Israel: Be silent, Israel, and listen! This day you have become the people of the LORD, your God.
摩西•赖特(Moses Wright),11月14日被山西男篮取消注册。摩西•赖特加盟山西男篮的第一场比赛就打出惊艳表现,在10月25日山西男篮对阵天津男篮的比赛中,摩西•赖特24投17中,得到37分10个篮板的两双数据。但随后的表现就一落千丈,最终在代表山西男篮出战5场比赛后被裁。随后摩西•赖特加盟土耳其超级联赛Merkezef...
11月18日:芬兰乐队Moses Hezy + 北京乐队 欲望之箭 myspace:http://www.myspace.com/moseshazy 来自芬兰北边的小镇 (Oulu),MOSES HAZY是被长、黑晚上和经典摇滚(classic rock)。他们要在10几个中国大陆城市巡演,快在一个离你附近的场地带来一种北欧、好玩儿、摇滚、头发多的现场经验。大部分的中国演出都要跟...
回味 2013 演员(饰 Tong) 哥妹俩之惊历48 2013 演员 Zero Hero 2011 演员 我在政府部门的日子 2007 7.4 演员 警察与贼 2004 演员 孩有明天 2003 演员 难兄难弟 2003 演员 大酒店 2001 演员 同一屋檐下 1997 演员 我爱好兄弟 1996 其它 > 我来报错 >去 林益民 影人页 ©...