Roast the lamb with fire and eat it with unleavened bread( that means bread with nothing in it like yeast or baking powder) and bitter herbs. Get your things packed and ready, have your shoes on your feet, and your traveling clothes on, even have your walking staff in your hand as you...
This place name means in Hebrew “burial places of appetite,” that is, graves that resulted from overindulgence. The reference is to the Israelites stuffing themselves with the quail God had provided and doing so with thanklessness (Num 11:31-35). Deuteronomy 9:23 tn Heb“the Lord.” See...
It means that He is the same yesterday, today, forever. He has just as much power and love and life today, as He has ever had! And then God told Moses to tell the people of Israel this name:the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But Moses was still afraid to go, so he made ...
The Hebrew name for the Nile, namely Ye'or (יאור), means "it will shine" and derives from the verbאור('or), to be light, from which also derives the nameUr(אור), belonging to the Babylonian city from whence hailed Abraham. That means that the light of ...
20:13MeribahThis name in Hebrew means “argument.” Numbers 20 New International Version Water From the Rock 20In the first month the whole Israelite community arrived at the Desert of Zin,and they stayed at Kadesh.There Miriamdied and was buried. ...
Moses saw a couple of fellow Israelites fighting each other, and he asked them, “Why are you hittingyour fellow Hebrew” (Exodus 2:13). The Hebrew wordreameans a friend who is also a fellow citizen. These Hebrews were citizens of Zion, but they were living in Egypt, and they definitel...
What is God called in Hebrew? The wordelohimin Hebrew means “god” or “gods.” It is technically a plural noun, although most of the time in Hebrew it refers to a single divine agent. It is also typically a common noun similar to the English word “god”; that is, it signifies ...
The birth of Moses occurred at a time when the current Egyptian Pharaoh had commanded that all male children born to Hebrew slaves should be killed by drowning in the Nile river. The Torah leaves the identity of this Pharaoh unstated. But he is believed by some to be Ramses II; other, ...
Yes, she was lovely, but she was the daughter of the Pharoah who had made the rule to murder the Hebrew boy babies! Oh, how Miriam hoped she would not see, but no! She DID see, in fact, she ordered her maid to go get that basket out of the reeds. ...
Numbers 13:24This name in Hebrew means “bunch of grapes.” Numbers 13:30complaining against; or gathered around. Good News Translation(GNT) Good News Translation® (Today’s English Version, Second Edition) © 1992 American Bible Society. All rights reserved. For more information about GNT...