Background: Mosaic trisomy 12 is a genetic condition with few cases diagnosed prenatally and postnatally. Phenotypic variability is wide ranging from normal patients to severe congenital anomalies. Case report: A 35-year-old woman underwent amniocentesis at 17 weeks of gestation because of advanced ...
机译:与成纤维细胞系中检测到的过度生长相关的马赛克三兆癣12 摘要 Mosaic trisomy 12 is a rare anomaly, and only 9 cases of live births with this condition have been reported in the literature. The clinical phenotype is variable, including neuropsychomotor developmental delay, congenital heart disease...
The crossover site was 1.9 Mb proximal to the translocation breakpoint on chromosome 12. This mitotic event “corrected” cell line 1 for the partial 3p trisomy and partial deletion of 12p, resulting in mosaic ROH encompassing the entire 6.1 Mb deleted region of 12p in cell line 1 and an ...
Mosaic trisomy 21 accounts for 2–4% of Down's syndrome cases, which are distinct from complete trisomy in that the former can have less severe intellectual and developmental manifestations [24]. Mosaic Turner's syndrome, also known as mosaic X loss, also manifests in a less severe phenotype...
导语:嵌合型16三体(Mosaic trisomy 16) 16三体是在自发流产中最常见的三体,在所有做临床检查的孕妇中的发生率约为1.5%,占所有流产病例的7.5%。完全性16三体的妊娠仅能持续到最小胚胎发育.16三体来自母体减数分裂时的错误。嵌合型16三体来自三体自救,因此有母源单亲二体的风险。
Finally, cytogenetic analysis showed the presence of non-mosaic X trisomy (65,XXX), an aneuploidy of sex chromosomes that is rarely detected in horses. This finding was also confirmed by molecular methods, including highly sensitive droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) and microsatellite markers genotyping. ...
amniocentesis mosaicism mosaic trisomy 17 prenatal diagnosis trisomy 17 Introduction We previously reported molecular genetic analysis of prenatally detected mosaic trisomy 2 [1], [2], mosaic trisomy 7 [3], mosaic trisomy 12 [4], mosaic trisomy 15 [5], and mosaic trisomy 21 [6] by interphase...
Mosaic trisomy 7 at amniocentesis may be derived from a cell culture artifact from an undetected low level of trisomy 7 mosaicism in uncultured amniocytes, and can be associated with favorable fetal outcome if the blood has a normal karyotype or a very low level of mosaicism and if uniparental...
Trisomy X phenotype Trisomy X was detected in 110 women, giving a prevalence of 45/100,000 in UK Biobank women. A further two cases appeared to be mosaic 46,XX/47,XXX, but were excluded from further analyses because there were too few in this category to analyze separately. Of the 110...
Low-level mosaic trisomy 21 at amniocentesis in a pregnancy associated with a negative NIPT result, cytogenetic discrepancy in various tissues, perinatal p... The peripheral blood had a karyotype of 47,XX,+21[1]/46,XX [39], and FISH analysis on buccal mucosal cells revealed 8.4% (7/83 ...