After spending many years in a rented apartment, many people make a decision to purchase their own property. Yet it is only once you start the search for your new place to call home when the huge number of obstacles and unplanned costs reveal themselves. On the other hand, the banks don...
In NZ the longest term on a mortgage is 30 years. The term is based on the rate at which you pay it back, and can be variable from 1 year to 30 years. My current term is 10.8 years. Interest rates are the same if you work on 30 year, or 15 year term. Where interest rates...
NZ Muse August 23, 2014 @save. spend. splurge.: Hey, may as well do NZ while you’re at it! I understand we only have a couple of options anyway. Reply save. spend. splurge. August 23, 2014 I’ll group you two together Have to find time this week to do some research. Rep...