From the Nietzsche's emphasis that God is dead - basic principle of the secularization - and the concept of religion, from the substantivist and functionalist perspectives, this paper addresses the contribution of some authors, classical (Marx, Weber, Durkheim, F...
A "Morte de Deus": O aforismo 125 de A Gaia Ciência Our goal in this study is to deal with the theme of the death of God in Nietzsche, based on aphorism 125 of the "Gay Science". The question is: what did Ni... E Nery Carneiro - 《Protestantismo Em Revista》 被引量:...
Para além da morte de Deus: variaes sobre impiedade e blasfêmia em Rubem Alvesdoi:10.34019/2236-6296.2022.v25.39361RELIGIOUS experienceRELIGIOUSNESSNIETZSCHE, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900HUMAN beingsTHEOLOGYBLASPHEMYThe main objective of this article is to characteri...
This article presents, basically, the Nietzsche's notion of the "death of God", the existentialism eveloped by JeanPaul Sartre, and are their possible relations. It's divided into three parts and is used, fundamentally, of the analysis of important works of the ph...