Dig a trench to set your first riser in place. Position the riser in the trench so that enough of it is exposed that the tread flagstones will be set at the correct height. For thicker flagstones, set the riser deeper into the trench. For thinner flagstones, the riser should be set ...
Dig a trench to set your first riser in place. Position the riser in the trench so that enough of it is exposed that the tread flagstones will be set at the correct height. For thicker flagstones, set the riser deeper into the trench. For thinner flagstones, the riser should be set ...
Cut the stones when necessary for fitting or for the edges of the driveway using a skill saw with a diamond tipped blade. Mark the stone along the cutting edge with a piece of chalk and then cut along the mark with the skill saw. Attach a water hose to the saw to suppress the dust...