mortality单词 mortality单词 1. 定义与释义 1.1词性:名词 1.2中文释义:死亡率;必死性;死亡数 1.3英文解释:The state of being subject to death; the d death rate. 1.4相关词汇: - 同义词:death rate、fatality rate - 派生词:mortal(形容词,致命的;终有一死的...
the incidence rate of death和mortality rate计算方法是不一样的。[1] 死亡率mortality rate就是简单的用死亡个体数除以总个体数。 死亡发生率the incidence rate of death指的是一定时间内,人群中死亡事件的发生频率。 计算方法为死亡数/总人时。 总人时指的就是所有人存活时间加起来。 比如在一个实验中有对照...
1. the quality or state of being mortal 2. the ratio of deaths in an area to the population of that areaexpressed per 1000 per year Synonym: deathratedeath ratemortality ratefatality rate经典引文 A man insuring his life is not unlike..a man signing his will; thoughts of mortality..occu...
After her mother's death, she became acutely aware of her own mortality. 她母亲去世后,她开始强烈意识到自己的生命是有限的。 2.[ U ] the number of deaths in a particular situation or period of time 死亡数量;死亡率 the infant mortality rate (= the number of babies that die at or just ...
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The meaning of MORTALITY RATE is the ratio between deaths and individuals in a specified population and during a particular time period : the incidence of deaths in a given population during a defined time period (such as one year) that is typically expr
death 反义词 immortality 行业词典 动物学 死亡率又称 :死亡率(death rate ) 医学 必死性死亡率:见rate项下〔人寿保险的〕预期死亡率 旅游 死亡率 昆虫学 死亡率 林学 枯损量 水产 死亡率水生动物种群在一定时期内个体减少的数量与初期该种群个体总数量之比值。