mortalityPhilippinesmaternal factorsother factorsThis study aims to identify the causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality at the University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center, and analyze the factors that lead to such results with the aim of improving them. Comparison is made with...
important; max-width:960px;-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;"/> You will find more infographics at Statista +Premium statistics Under-five child mortality rate Philippines 2015-2021 Under-five child mortality rate in Indonesia 2012-2022 +Premium statistics...
Diurnal circulations and their multi-scale interaction leading to rainfall over the South China Sea upstream of the Philippines during intraseasonal monsoo... The morning diurnal precipitation maximum over the coastal sea upstream of the Philippines during intraseasonal westerly wind bursts is examined fr...
Bolinao and El Nido, but not in Puerto Galera, based on the sediment core data in KAMP-NIELSEN et al., in prep.; note that for Puerto Galera the stations for sediment cores and coral did not match). However, the short-term sedimen- tation rate we quantified with traps, as well as...
Mortality rate in developing countries is increasing which plays an important issue and concern for thefamily planning and women's health. Data from District Level Household surveys are examined to under- stand the level of maternal mortality in India and the differentials by districts of Gujarat st...
Under-five child mortality rate Philippines 2015-2021 Under-five child mortality rate in Indonesia 2012-2022 +Premium statistics Under-five child mortality rate APAC 2021, by country Under-five child mortality rate in Singapore 2012-2021 Any more questions?
This can give those in the healthcare profession a clearer picture of what needs to be done to give more babies a chance to survive. What Is the Infant Mortality Rate? The infant mortality rate is the number of infant deaths for every 1,000 live births. The infant mortality rate provides...
This pattern of excess female mortality occurs in all the major regions of the world: Europe, North and South America, Far-East Asia, the Middle East and South Asia. The only noticeable exceptions are the Philippines and Thailand. The validity of the finding is extensively reviewed. Emphasis ...
Figure 3. Number of Firearm Deaths and Age-Standardized Rate of Deaths in 1990 and 2016 and the Annualized Rate of Change 1990-2016 in Age-Standardized Rate as a Percent for 25 Countries and Territories (Czech Republic to Guam) View LargeDownload See caption for Figure 1. Figure 4. Number...
1 The mortality rates have been declining in many developed countries in part because of improved treatment. The incidence of PCa in Asian countries remains significantly lower than in Western countries.1 The highest estimated age-specific rate of PCa incidence occurs in Australia/New Zealand and ...