Raiden (Japanese: 雷電; Chinese: 雷电)[3] is a character in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series. Being the eternal God of Thunder, Raiden has been one of the most memorable characters in the fighting game genre as well as the earliest playable Gods in the genre. He has remained a ...
Main Roster Kombatants as Kameos Baraka Cyrax Ermac Havik Johnny Cage Kenshi Kitana Kung Lao Li Mei Liu Kang Mileena Nitara Quan Chi Raiden Rain Reiko Reptile Scorpion (Kuai Liang) Sektor Shang Tsung General Shao Sindel Smoke Sub-Zero (Bi-Han) Takeda TanyaElemental...
Of the 144081 characters on Anime Characters Database, 30 are from the video game Mortal Kombat X.
Raiden would attempt to use Kano to eliminate Shao Kahn by means of a mystical sword that drew power from an individual of evil turned to the side of good, but Kano betrays Raiden and joins Shao Kahn, remaining in his forces the following issues. Quotes Mortal Kombat (film) "Good boy....
Raiden can have many different roles in aMortal Kombatstory, which is why Raiden's small presence inMortal Kombat(2021) was so disappointing. First, Raiden can be a plot device, a character who is there to teach not only theMortal KombatEarthrealm champions but also the audiences about theMo...
A mainstay of the cast, Raiden is one of the series' most recognizable characters. He has appeared as a playable in every fighting installment with the exception of , and was among the eleven characters to represent th...
NEW! KOMBAT PASS SEASONS This update includes Kombat Passes Season 3 and Season 4! Start knocking out the Trials to Ascend Dark Raiden and earn amazing rewards along the way. Aftershock Tremor will be next… NEW! CHALLENGE KOMING SOON
If you’re looking forward to playing Mortal Kombat X, then you will want to check out the trailer video to see Raiden in action, and be sure to stay until the end where you will be able to witness Raiden’s fatality, which just like all the other fatalities, is a sight to behold....
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在线看Mortal Kombat Conquest Siro met Raiden 2分钟 5秒。2015 9月 4的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 85 — 已浏览。 10 — 已评价。