下一层,需要把敌人把到刺上做为垫脚石踩上去,然后再跳.下面一层会碰上棘手的敌人,如果HP不多建议逃跑.再上楼习得MULTALITY,使用方法与FATALITY一样,特点是可以攻击多个敌人,并且可以恢复一定HP,但必须集满2球能量才能使用.之后就一边杀敌一边前进. 来到最高层,与KITANA决斗.把她HP降到一半时会逃跑,接着就必须...
This was changed to a Multality in Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. (MK3, UMK3, MKT, MK:SM) Hat Toss: Kung Lao throws his hat at the opponent, which gets lodged in their head as they fall on their back. He then stomps on the opponent's stomach to retrieve his hat. In Mortal ...
In Mortal Kombat Armageddon, Sub-Zero's ninja outfit retains the scar, while his alternate outfit, his Deception armor does not, due to re-using models from two different games. In Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, the player witnesses Kung Lao vertically slashing Sub-Zero's face with his hat,...