The original Mortal Kombat Warehouse displays unique content extracted directly from the Mortal Kombat games: Sprites, Arenas, Animations, Backgrounds, Props, Bios, Endings, Screenshots and Pictures
Of the 143979 characters on Anime Characters Database, 27 are from the video game Mortal Kombat: Deception.
网络诡计;欺骗 网络释义
Mortal Kombat: Deception(2004) Elías Figueroa Additional Voices (voice) Blitz: The League(2005) Dan Forden Additional Voices (voice) Keanu(2016) Greg Freres Additional Voices (voice) Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy(2004) Paula Garcia
Mortal Kombat | Mortal Kombat II | Mortal Kombat 3 | Mortal Kombat 4 | Deadly Alliance | Deception | Armageddon | MK vs. DCU | Mortal Kombat (2011) | Mortal Kombat X | Mortal Kombat 11 | Mortal Kombat 1 Updates and Ports Advance | Gold | Mobile | Tournament Edition | Trilogy | ...
类型: 游戏 / 格斗 / 冒险 / 益智 / 动作 平台: PS2 / Xbox / NGC/GameCube / PSP 别名: Mortal Kombat: Unchained / Mortal Kombat 6 / 真人快打:欺诈 / 真人快打6 开发商: Midway Games 发行商: Midway Games 发行日期: 2004-10-04 豆瓣评分 7.9 17人评价 5星 29.4% 4星 47.1% 3星...
【真人快打:诡计】OST - 选角界面音乐 Mortal Kombat Deception - Character Select - soundtrack 1515 0 2023-07-14 03:23:04 转自油管 @Video Game Music 真人快打6代选角界面音乐 游戏 单机游戏 ...
The original Mortal Kombat Warehouse displays unique content extracted directly from the Mortal Kombat games: Sprites, Arenas, Animations, Backgrounds, Props, Bios, Endings, Screenshots and Pictures
Mortal Kombat: Deception TEXT VIEW OF NAMES Main Character Shujinko (シュジンコウ) Unsorted Ermac Havik (ハビク) Kira (キラ) Kobra (コブラ) Liu Kang (zombie form) (劉康(ゾンビ形式)) Onaga (小学生) Sub-Zero 3.0 (ゼロ以下 3.0) ...
Mortal Kombat: Deception packs in some completely off-the-wall gameplay modes, but the core one-on-one fighting action--whether you play it offline or online--is easily its best part.