The original Mortal Kombat Warehouse displays unique content extracted directly from the Mortal Kombat games: Sprites, Arenas, Animations, Backgrounds, Props, Bios, Endings, Screenshots and Pictures
最近街霸6发售,多了个单人的RPG模式,评价还不错,甚至见有说这是格斗游戏开天辟地第一遭的——这当然是不准确的,早在2004年的《真人快打:诡计(Mortal Kombat: Deception)》里,Midway就开发了一个名为Konquest的单人沙盒游戏模式,玩家扮演主角Shujinko(什么日语名),在真人快打宏大的六个世界里冒险探索,与众多真人...
I have been playing Total War and MK for a long time, and when I was playing MK Armageddon and Deception and I fought against Lin Kuei, visited the Realm of Order and saw the fights between Orderrealm and Chaosrealm, and the same goes for Outworld against Earthrealm or Lei C...
Go Up Botan Jungle Go Up Chamber of Daegon Go Up Edenian Ruins Go Up Krimson Forest Go Up Lin Kuei Palace Go Up Netherrealm Cliffs Go Up Red Dragon Caverns Go Up Reiko's War Room Go Up Scorpion's Lair Go Up Shao Kahn's Balcony Go Up Shao Kahn's Throne Room Go Up Shinnok's Spi...