Raiden (Japanese: 雷電; Chinese: 雷电)[3] is a character in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series. Being the eternal God of Thunder, Raiden has been one of the most memorable characters in the fighting game genre as well as the earliest playable Gods in the genre. He has remained a ...
Raiden Main Character Shujinko Main Character Ashrah Unsorted Baraka Unsorted Blaze Unsorted Bo' Rai Cho Unsorted Catwoman Unsorted Cyrax Unsorted Dairou Unsorted Drahmin Unsorted Ermac Unsorted Frost Unsorted Fujin Unsorted Goro Unsorted Hal Jordan Unsorted Havik Unsorted Hsu Hao ...
Vote up the characters you believe to be the best, not just ones that you like. Mortal Kombat 11 has been a staple in the fighting game scene since its release, blending intense combat mechanics with a roster that’s as diverse as it is deadly. With a mix of returning fan favorites an...
The Earthrealm protector, Raiden, has always been a solid character throughout the various iterations of Mortal Kombat. And it isn’t any different for Mortal Kombat 1. Raiden hasgood zoning tools, which will annoy your opponents into making mistakes, and great escape tools for those tricky mo...
Kitanaプリンセス・キタナPrincess Kitana CV: César MarchettiKung Laoカン・ラオ Li Mei李梅 Liu Kangリュカン Mileenaミレナ CV: Tatá GuarnieriOmni-Manオムニマン Quan Chiクアンシー Raidenライデン Reikoレイコ Reptile爬虫類 Scorpionサソリ ...
Desperate to undo Raiden's actions, the Keeper of Time and mother to Shinnok, Kronika, plans to restart the timeline by allying herself with past and present variants of kombatants, including a Revenant Kitana. After Kronika's plans are halted, Revenant Kitana is defeated but her past variant...
A mainstay of the cast, Raiden is one of the series' most recognizable characters. He has appeared as a playable in every fighting installment with the exception of , and was among the eleven characters to represent th...
For that, Lord Raiden, you are the best. Enough said. 0 Liu Kang Liu Kang is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the Mortal Kombat fighting game series from Midway Games, introduced as one of the original seven player characters in the 1992 first game as a Shaolin monk who...
Raiden – The Wrath of God Subzero – The Ice Man Cometh Confirmed Playable Characters: Returning Characters: 1. Ermac 2. Jax 3. Johnny Cage 4. Kano 5. Kenshi 6. Kitana 7. Kung Lao 8. Liu Kang 9. Mileena 10. Quan Chi 11. Raiden ...
Map of Mortal Kombat 9 players USA Global Please wait, loading Find players listed in this map with the EventHubs Player Finder.Legend Played percentage — The percentage of people who play this game on EventHubs. Only users who have profiles that are populated with games count towards ...