探索由火神劉康所打造的重生真人快打宇宙。《真人快打 1》以全新的戰鬥系統、遊戲模式和必殺終結,開展經典系列的新時代!
Discover a reborn Mortal Kombat™ Universe created by the Fire God Liu Kang. Mortal Kombat™ 1 ushers in a new era of the iconic franchise with a new fighting system, game modes, and fatalities! Platform: PS5 Release: 19/9/2023 Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Genres: Fighting Voice...
《真人快打 1:鬼臉》 恐慌席捲眾界,居民懼怕誰會成為此連環殺手的下一個受害者。 CN¥55 新增至購物車 新增至願望清單 87% 評論家推薦 頂尖評論家測評均分 Game Informer 張貼者:Brian Shea 9 / 10 When the first Mortal Kombat debuted more than 30 years ago, the series quickly became known for ...
MK1 : Conan le BarbareMK1: GhostfaceMK1 : 1 250 kristaux du dragonMortal Kombat™ 1 : Pack Règne du khaosMortal Kombat™ 1 : Extension Règne du khaosMortal Kombat™ 1 : Extension Règne du khaosMK 1 : Kombat PackMK1 : CyraxMK1: ErmacMK1: FerraMK1 : Le ProtecteurMK1: Janet Cag...
What is Mortal Kombat 1? Welcome to a new Era of Kombat. NetherRealm Studios ushers in a new Era of the iconic fighting franchise with a total reset that changes the entire world as we know it. Following the thrilling climax of Mortal Kombat 11, the all-powerful Fire God Liu Kang has ...
NETHERREALM STUDIOS LOGO, MORTAL KOMBAT, THE DRAGON LOGO, and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © 2023 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.WARNER BROS. GAMES LOGO, WARNER BROS. INTERACTIVE LOGO, WB SHIELD: ™ & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s23) 只有不到 1% ...
Kombat Pack 2 JCVD Skin for Johnny Cage $89.99 Add-Ons Virtual CurrencyMK1: 1250 Dragon Krystals $9.99 Virtual CurrencyMK1: 2700 Dragon Krystals $19.99 PS5 Add-onMK1: 4k Cinematic Pack Free Virtual CurrencyMK1: 500 Dragon Krystals $4.99 ...
Mortal Kombat™ 1 is het begin van een nieuw tijdperk voor de iconische serie met een nieuw vechtsysteem, nieuwe speltypes en nieuwe fatality's! De Premium Edition bevat: Kombat-pack: 6 nieuwe speelbare personages (Omni-Man, Quan Chi, Peacemaker, Ermac, Homelander, Takeda) en 5 nieuwe...
探索由火神劉康所打造的重生真人快打宇宙。《真人快打 1》以全新的戰鬥系統、遊戲模式和必殺終結,開展經典系列的新時代!
真人快打1 Mortal Kombat 1豆瓣评分:8.5 简介:据外媒IGN报道,华纳探索全球投资执行副总裁Andrew Slabin,于2022年Q4财报电话会议上确认,游戏《真人快打12》正在开发中,并将于2023年内正式公布。