--非字母脚本需要更彻底的改编。日语摩尔斯电码(Wabun code)对假名脚本有单独的编码;尽管许多代码摘取自国际莫尔斯电,但它们所代表的声音大多无关。日语/Wabun 代码包括用于 本地和国际莫尔斯代码的切换控制符: ▄▄▄ ▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ 表示从国际莫尔斯到Wabun的切换,以及 ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄ 从Wabun 返...
CREATE A TRANSLATOR LINGOJAM Morse Code (With numbers) Translator Backwards translations not supported (sorry.)Generate Random Sentence Send Turn English into Morse code.Check out this AI image generator 👈 completely free, no sign-up, no limits....
Morse Code Numbers As well as viewing the Morse code chart image above, you can also see numbers represented by Morse code in the table below: NumberMorse CodeNumberMorse Code 1 Dot - Dash - Dash - Dash - Dash 6 Dash - Dot - Dot - Dot - Dot 2 Dot - Dot - Dash - Dash - Dash...
{stringkeys ="";if(code.Length <0) {returnkeys; }foreach(stringcodesincode.Split('|'))//拆分密文{foreach(vardicinmorseCode)//遍历mores集合{if(dic.Value ==codes) { keys+=dic.Key ; } } }returnkeys; } 事情进行到这里,基本可以说是杀青了,当然,正如前文所讲,实现的部分不包括标点符号,非...
Morse code improved, however, rural operators found that their new-found skill was a passport to better pay in a city job. Telegraphers soon swelled the ranks of the emerging middle classes. Telegraphy was also deemed suitable work for women. By 1870, a third of the operators in the ...
B Morse code (密码) is a system of communication that uses dots ( "),dashes(一), and spaces to represent (代表) the letters and numbers. In Morse code, letuers used often (such as “E") got a simple code, while those not often used (such as "Q") got a longer and more comple...
Morse code (密码) is a system of communication that uses dots (•), dashes (—), and spaces to represent (代表) the letters and numbers. In Morse code, letters used often (such as “E”) got a simple code, while those not often used (such as “Q”) got a longer and more com...
Morse code n. Any of several codes used for transmitting messages in which letters of the alphabet and numbers are represented by various sequences of dots and dashes or short and long signals, especially the international Morse code. [After Samuel Finley BreeseMorse.] ...