Morse- a telegraph code in which letters and numbers are represented by strings of dots and dashes (short and long signals) international Morse code,Morse code code- a coding system used for transmitting messages requiring brevity or secrecy ...
XYL - Wife(妻子)YL - Young lady (used of any female)(年轻女子)73 - Best regards(最好的祝福)88 - Love and kisses(爱与吻之告别)(注意应该使用在“异性”之间)99 - go away(被要求离开,非友善)参见词条:Q简语1997年,当法国海军停止使用摩尔斯电码时,发送的最后一条消息:“所有人注意,这是我们在...
YF -Wife YL - Young lady YR - Year Z - Zulu Time 30 - I have no more to send 33 - Fondest Regards 55 - Best Success 73 - Best Regards (NOT 73'S) * 88 - Love and kisses (NOT 88'S) 161 - 73+88=161" first came about in FOC circles (First-Class CW Operators' Club, fou...
URS Yours VY Very WDS Words WKD Worked WL Will WUD Would WX Weather XMTR Transmitter XYL Wife YL Young lady (used of any female) 73 Best regards 88 Love and kisses©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销...
Station TEMP Temperature TMW Tomorr ow TNX Thanks TU Thank you TX Transmit U You UR Your or youre (depending on context) URS Yours VY Very WDS Words WKD Worked WL Will WUD Would WX Weather XMTR Transmitter XYL Wife YL Young lady (used of any female) 73 Best regards 88 Love and kisses...
YL Young lady (used of any female) 73 Best regards 88 Love and kisses 参见:Q简语 [编辑] 用摩尔斯码交谈 要使用摩尔斯码进行明白无误的交流,只需要字母就够了。为了使交流更有效率,有很多国际上通用的模式。 这是一个CW通讯的例子,发生在电台一(s1)和电台二(s2)之间: s1: CQ CQ CQ de s1 K 呼...
The old lady was glad to be back at the block of flats where she lived. Her shopping had tired her and the basket had grown heavier with every step of the way home. In the life her thoughts were on lunch and a good rest, but when she got out at her own floor, both were forgott...
YL Young lady (used of any female) 73 Best regards 88 Love and kisses 用摩爾斯碼交談 要使用摩爾斯碼進行明白無誤的交流,只需要字母就夠了。為了使交流更有效率,有很多國際上通用的模式。 這是一個CW通訊的例子,發生在電台一(s1)和電台二(s2)之間: ...
He demonstrated thetelegraphfor thefirst timeon May 24, 1844, allowing Annie Ellsworth, the young daughter of a friend, to chose the message. She selected a verse from the Bible,Numbers 23:23, "Wh...