classProgram 2 { 3 staticvoidMain(string[] args) 4 { 5 6 Console.WriteLine("This program translates a line into Morse code."); 7 Console.Write("Enter English text:"); 8 stringstr=Convert.ToString(Console.ReadLine()); 9 ShowMorse(str); 10 Console.Read(); 11 } 12 13 privatestaticvo...
Morse code集合: ///<summary>///组织mores集合///我使用了键值对,Dictionary, HashTable都是可以的///</summary>Dictionary<char, String> morseCode =newDictionary<char, String>() { {'a',".-"},{'b',"-..."},{'c',"-.-."},//alpha{'d',"-.."},{'e',"."},{'f',"..-."},...
have the temp's char in each cases string being identified and change the original to morse code then output the original that was changed to morse code. then the next program would that change the input morse code by a user to alphabet this time only capital letters/English letter (Capital...
纹身贴防水女持久ins风泫雅图案小清新一次性少女心可爱彩色卡通 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#JCQkJClzA3MDdSxwW3Refpt40EVYc59rZQ==] 纹身贴防水男女刺青 蝎子图腾持久 仿真 狼头 龙虎图腾纹身贴包邮 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#bGxsbGE8ozWWNWk1Vju5Pj86Iju4P9I26TfpPx4xqDxMN544lDlUMZo0BDR4NCs8TTewPho1DDicP1ozqT...
一份6个HelloKitty彩绘纹身贴防水女持久凯蒂猫贴纸ins小图案可爱 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#ODg4ODVtaWk7Y5Rp+2QFartY1WhYbA9ri2XeayxsfmQcZHdkBWQdZ8Vv0WQ1] 好运福字纹身贴旅行的鱼个性贴纸 卡通可爱高颜值手腕小图案男女 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#XFxcXFEKIAG4BlsMpA6SDxMSeQ+AAQYGvwmAC9oFqT0BChMSOgT2BbUOwgE...
correct program functionality. 2 FATAL_ERROR() is defined in Board.h 3 This is #defined in Morse.h as ticks of the 100Hz timer, MORSE_LETTER_TIMEOUT 4 This is also #defined in Morse.h as MORSE_WORD_TIMEOUT • Code style. Follow the standard style. formatting procedures for syntax,...
Free download morse code logic gates Files at Software Informer. Just Learn Morse Code is an application that makes it easy to learn Morse code by...
I have also written a Java Morse code generator — click here to download the JAR file. To use the Java program, install Java if you haven't already, then open a command prompt in the same directory as the JAR file and enter: $ java -jar morse_sender.jar Some helpful text will ...