Patients experiencing a fall had a statistically significant longer hospital stay. Occupational therapy practitioners play an important role on the interdisciplinary team by providing a comprehensive fall assessment, developing fall prevention programs, and providing discharge recommendations....
Healthcare professionals recommend activating standard fall prevention interventions for patients with this score. Note that patients with a score above 45 have a high fall risk. What are similar assessment tools as the Morse fall scale? Several assessment tools address fall risk and balance abilities...
答案:ACD 解析:“常用的跌倒风险综合评估工具有Morse跌倒风险评估量表(morse fall scale,MFS)、托马斯跌倒风险评估工具(st.thomas risk assessment tool in falling elderly inpatients,STRATIFY)及老年人跌倒风险评估量表(self-rated fall risk questionnaire,FRQ)等。”可知本题选ACD,B为心理评估量表。依据:《老年人跌...
Background: the Falls Risk for Older People in the Community assessment (FROP-Com) tool was designed for use in targeted multi-factorial falls prevention programmes. It fills the gap between the short screening tools and the longer asses... Melissa A. Russell,, Keith D. Hill,, Irene Black...
根据广东省卫生厅编印的《临床护理文书规范》【61, 建议将中文版Morse跌倒评估量表(MorseFallScale,以下简称MFS)作为住院 老年患者的跌倒风险评估量表,但是MFS在国内使用状况文献未见报道,在临 床护理评估中,每个量表有自己的特点,应用于不同国家、不同种族或不同人 群之前一定要进行信度、效度检验。本课题研究的目的...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has identified certain groups of individuals as “higher risk” for severe illness from COVID-19. A growing number of states have effected, or have announced, plans that relate to an easing of shelter-in-place and business closure orders. Many of...
Risk of fall by using Morse scale and fall risk assessment tool among patientsGautam SakshiJaswal PoojaResearch Journals
In the first phase of the research project: "Clinical Supervision for Safety and Care Quality" (C-S2AFECARE-Q), difficulties in the application of the Morse Fall Scale and non-conformities in the implementation of the falls prevention protocol were identified. Therefore, we carried out a ...
Aims and objectives: To examine the validity of the Morse Fall Scale by analysing the electronic medical records on fall risk during different phases of hospitalisation. Background: Regular monitoring on fall risk with a reliable and valid assessment tool is a key element in the fall prevention....
BACKGROUND: Regular monitoring on fall risk with a reliable and valid assessment tool is a key element in the fall prevention. In Korea, the Morse Fall Scale is currently being used in numerous medical institutions, yet it has not been comprehensively evaluated whether it is suitable and valid...