Create a new page Contributing Guidelines We have prepared a number of guides and templates which should help you get new pages set up quickly: Adding a new Mod Adding a new Mod List Adding a new Info Page
I'm much more confident in the OpenMW maps because OpenMW uses continuous pythagorean distances to calculate the closest node. It also supports the Mournhold nodes, I think. How to Generate Your Own Maps Clone the repository, then in change mod_list = [...] to your set of mod...
New to Morrowind mods? How they work, what utilities you need to start, how to install and manage mods without messing up your game. Finding and Using Mods (Ronin49's Links) •Searching for Mods?•Walkthroughs and FAQs Download sites, forums and FAQs, mod use, trouble shooting and ...
How are you doing today DarkFortuneTeller? Why don’t you give us a quick intro to yourself and what you’re playing and modding at the moment?... 8 Comments Feature Mod or Not - The Game Awards 2024 19 Dec 2024 ModularCocoon
If you've ever found yourself frustrated with companions getting stuck in awkward spots or wished for more refined mod configuration options, these mods are for you! So, sit back, grab your camp supplies, and read on to learn about how all the magic happens in today’s modder interview....
Wrye Mash has the utility to reset save state map.How to fix errors "One of the files that "(mod name).ESP" is dependent on has changed since the last save."Install Wrye Mash. Follow this guide. TL;DR: for me selecting the problematic esp in the Mods tab and right-clicking on ...
Please read the article "How to update your old save game to a new version using Wyre Mash", which can be found Compatibility Please read the article "Compatiblity", which can be found Hey guys! 2025 is upon us, and yet another year with Morrowind Rebirth...
In this tutorial, you have learnt how to open and setup the Morrowind Construction Set, how to set the preferences for Autosave and how to load your mod. You then learnt how to move around in the CS, the co-ordinate system and the key shortcuts. You created your own house from an ...
Creepers cash regenerates every 24 hours. So if you have bunch of items to sell, just sleep for a day, and trade with him again. Here is a video of how to locate him: The Talking Mudcrab Merchant This little critter is another easter egg just like theCreeper. He looks like an ordin...
But you're not entirely sure how to interpret that. Is the sun still rising right now, or is it setting? If it's rising, then that way is east. But if it's setting, then that way is west. Your cellphone says it's 1:19 now, so if the two worlds are the same...then presuma...