is the science of the natural occurrence of various types of soil. Soil formation is the basis for planetary life and plays an important part in species evolution and propagation. This book brings together research on various aspects on Pedology and its relation to agriculture. Researchers and ...
Mericarp size ranged between 1.6-3.5 mm length and 1.0-2.9 mm width. Observed shapes included spherical, trigonous-prolate spheroidal and prolate spheroidal. Mericarp surface sculpturing revealed three distinct types: reticulate, foveate and verrucate. Our study supports further work across the genus...
A SEM study of pollen morphology on 11 materials from 10 localities in areal of G.udensis has been carried out (materials and results in Table 1 ). In this paper, threetypes of exine ornamentations can be identified: gemmate, gemmate-reticuloid and gemmate partly fusea with perforation....
The gland contained two cell types: type I and type II and exhibited remarkable changes in gross morphology and histology in relation to growth and reproduction. The organ was very small and composed of only type I cells at stage I. Both the cell types and hemal sinuses were evident in ...
2meaningful: can not be further divided without destroying its meaning 3 grammatical: not only lexical morphemes like ,but also grammatical ones, 5.3 Classification of morphemes语素的分类 Semantically:morphemes:root morphemes and affixational morphemes 根据语义,语素可分为词根和词缀 Structurally:morphemes:...
Pollen morphology in the genus Coffea (Rubiaceae) and its taxonomic significance The pollen morphology of 38 representative species and varieties within the genus Coffea L. is described. Eight pollen types, placed in two major groups, h... CHINNAPPA C. C.,WARNER B. G. - 《Botanical Journal...
tabulaeformis olfactory response, we investigated the structure, innervation, numbers, and distribution of sensilla on the antennae of male and female moth, based on scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The pinniform antennae of this moth bear five types of sensilla: trichoid (TS), bas...
Awordisameaningfulandgrammaticallanguageunitwhichcanbeusedbyitsown.EverywordbelongstoacertainwordclassandinEnglish,wordscanbedividedintothefollowingtenclasses:n.v.adj.adv.prep.pron.article,determiner,conjunction,interjection.ThesetenwordclassescanbedividedintoOpenClassandClosedClass OpenClassrefers...