More of my time is spent developing learning activities and orchestrating events. Fundamentally I have learned that for learning to happen, the learning environment must include powerfully interactive situations that create cognitive dissonance and offer choice, challenge, collaboration, and control so ...
Cigarette butts (CBs) have become the most ubiquitous form of anthropogenic litter globally. CBs contain various hazardous chemicals that persist in the environment for longer period. These substances are susceptible to leaching into the environment through waterways. The recent study was aimed to evalu...
the consequent trajectories of change in the surrounding (non-urban) landscapes, and the related socioeconomic context characteristic of each developmental stage80,81,82. Selection of elementary variables, identification of relevant analysis
The mathematics of cycles (for discrete or continuous time) is also discussed. Fluctuations are shown to be the elementary, basic and unavoidable consequence of all productive activities. They will emerge even in the absence of any price mechanism.doi:10.1080/0953531042000304290...
task-based activitiesobligatory contextThis paper investigates the order of acquisition of grammatical morphemes in the interlanguage of Croatian pupils of English as a foreign language. The order of acquisition was longitudinally studied among the same group of 20 elementary school pupils over the ...
“With most accomplishment verbs and all activities”, Japanese −tei−ru denotes [+progressive], as does English be + −ing (Slabakova 2008, p. 162), as given in Examples (6. a/b), where −tei−ru serves as an imperfective aspect marker. 6. [+progressive] a. Yutaro-wa...