Morning sickness is a very common and unpleasant part of pregnancy – and despite the name, it can last all day.
morningsicknessduringpregnancy 害喜() 害口() morning sickness (during pregnancy) 孕吐() 也可见: 孕吐名 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 使用DeepL翻译器,即刻翻译文本和文档 随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) ...
Morning sickness can start early in your pregnancy, often between 4 and 9 weeks, and typically doesn’t last past your first trimester. However, your particular experience may be different, as each person's pregnancy is unique. Morning sickness is a very commonpregnancy symptom, and it can ha...
Morning sickness in pregnancy appears to be unique to humans, and it seems that women with more severe morning sickness have a lower rate of miscarriage. There are two main theories to explain why we might have evolved this. The first is that the nausea is commonly associated with an ...
Morning Sickness Linked to Lower Risk of Pregnancy LossHere's some consolation for the 74 percent of women whoexperience "morning sickness" for at...Perry, Susan
Not all women will suffer from pregnancy symptoms, such as morning sickness. 并非所有女性都会出现怀孕症状,比例晨吐。 ParaCrawl Corpus If you are like most women, morning sickness does not appear until one month after conception. 如果你像大多数女性那样,受孕1个月之后才会出现孕吐。 ParaCrawl...
Morning sickness is nausea and vomiting that happens duringpregnancy. More than half of pregnant women havenausea and vomiting, especially during the first trimester. Despite its name, you can have morning sickness at any time of day. It doesn't mean yourbabyis sick, and it doesn't hurt the...
Symptoms of hyperemesis gravidarum usually start during the first 2 to 3 months of pregnancy (around week 6 to week 9). Most people feel better by the time they are midway into their pregnancy. However, some people feel sick until late in pregnancy or even into la...
Morning sickness is probably the mostinfamous symptom of pregnancy. And even though morning sickness symptoms are pretty well known, they can also throw you for a loop. After all, how do you know whether it’s pregnancy making you feel sick or something else? How much nausea and vomiting is...
Morning sickness is often the first sign of pregnancy, as it can start as early as 2 weeks after conception. 晨疾病往往初见怀孕,因为这样可以早2周后开始构思。 3. You do need to understand that avoiding morning sickness or pregnancy related nausea may not be a possibility...