TodayThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintshas more than 17 million members in over 176 nations and territories worldwide.[1][2]Currently,202of its beautiful temples adorn sites in North, South, and Central America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and numerous islands of the sea. As of 8...
Legendary religion of Europe, from which Mormonism is said to be derived. Christiansanity: 1) The inability to take the same process that you applied to Mormonism to see that it was made up to Christianity. 2) The crazy belief that on a board for recovering Mormons, you should preach ...
The animal that lives with the natives of the two continents, as a dog, is very different from the tame and familiar creatures of the same name in Europe. He is either a different species, or a variety of the same species. But the identity of the American and Asiatick curs, is evince...
The Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire Temple will be the Church's sixth temple built on the African continent and the first built in the Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire). It is estimated that the building of the temple will take approximately two years to complete. Six temples are currently operating ...
Last General Conference they announced 20 new Temples. I wanted to scream. Why not 20 homeless shelters, 20 children’s hospitals, 20 soup kitchens, 20 new schools, 20 cancer research centers, 20 libraries? Why not 20 military hospitals in Ukraine? Or since we are so into wars and rumors...
Aaron Eckhart was raised as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He once served as a missionary in Europe for two years. He has stated in several interviews that he no longer considers himself to be Mormon. ...
The Higher Ordinances (sealings and endowments) in Mormon Temples. Only The First Presidency can speak for the Church. They did not repudiate the Curse of Cain doctrine nor the Priesthood-ban in 1978. They simply "lifted" the Priesthood-ban (or rather the LORD did through them). There are...
Aaron Eckhart was raised as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He once served as a missionary in Europe for two years. He has stated in several interviews that he no longer considers himself to be Mormon. ...
An even smaller number are “endowed,” which means participate in regular worship in LDS temples, access to which is tightly controlled. Ben Park’s piece in the Washington Post does, I think, I fair job of summarizing a lot of cultural shifts in the LDS community in recent years ...
Probably even the smaller number is much above the truth; but it is undeniable that some in Europe as well as great numbers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and even New England, have been led captives in this triumph of stupid imposture. I say stupid, for so far as the ostensible ...