When in operation, the temple is not open to the public. To participate in temple activities, members require a special "temple recommend" signed by their local Church leaders indicating that the member is in good standing and able to participate. Temple worship is a privilege but also brings...
Open your eyes. Get up. Keep moving. I bat my eyes open and take in the view. The acreage spills out around me, fields and forests and marshes and meadows and rocks and rivers and prairies and ponds and gardens and greenhouses all lined up in a row. I see a fuzzy caterpillar inchin...
Blushings and Annointings: The temple intiatory ordinances prior to changes in 2005. BMW: Big Mormon Wagon. Bob: Verb. Example: As when asked to give a talk or accept a calling you "Bob your head and say yes." BOM: Book of Mormon. Bunch of malarkey. Bucket of manure. The ke...
This must unavoidably be the case, every rational man must admit, who has ever travelled in the slave states, or we must open our houses unfold our arms, and bid these DEGRADED AND DEGRADING sons of Canaan, a hear[t]y welcome and a free admittance to all we possess! A society of ...
They said, they saw the heavens open, the angels, paradise, and hell. -- Those who were just on the point of receiving the spirit of prophecy dropped down not only in their assemblies, crying out mercy, but in fields, and their own houses. The least of these assemblies made up four ...
What caused the men and women before me to leave their good farms, their good houses, their merchandize, and all the luxuries and comforts of life so dear to the natural man? What caused many women to leave their husbands, their children, their parents? What caused all this? What is ...
See, a man who has been widowed or divorced may, with special permission, be sealed (married) to another wife in the temple, without the previous marriage being annulled by the Church. However–and this should come as no surprise–a woman cannot. Anyway, I’m having a fun time getting ...
I've been through several temple open houses and really became "hooked" on the temple history, architecture, and work in the temples. It almost got me involved in the Church. I think that's really sad because now I can understand how so many millions of people get "hooked" into the ...
The construction plans for the Rome Italy Temple site also includes a Stake Center meetinghouse (a stake being roughly similar to a Catholic diocese), a Visitors' Center that houses digitally reproduced marble replicas of Bertel Thorvaldsen’s renown sculptures of Christus and the Twelve Apostles, ...
at which place the foundation of the temple of God, and the City of Zion, have been laid, and are soon to be built. It is also to be a city of Refuge, and a safe asylum when the storms of vengeance shall pour upon the earth, and those who reject the Book of Mormon, shall be...