Note for example the end of Peter's first sermon, "with many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them," Save yourselves from this corrupt generation. "Acts 2:40." 比如,注意到在彼得的第一个讲道结束的时候:“彼得还用许多话作见证,劝勉他们说:‘你们当救自己脱离这弯曲的世代。’...
but it's a shame that we even have to think of such a thing. What would life be like if our understanding of Karma were to be limited to the positive returns that life would provide because we only shared positive thoughts, words, and...
19世纪,科学家们做了许多重要的尝试,希望通过各种自然过程的记录来计算地球的年龄,但都未能成功。 4. 29kb If we calculate the change in entropy during gas mixing, we will find that this quantity is positive. 如果我们计算气体混合过程中熵的变化,我们会发现这个量是正的。 5. 37kb The rats ar...
🔴Learn the tone of the vocabulary. Tone means the feeling the word carries with it. Tone can be positive or negative, and formal or informal. For example, the word “idiotic” means “very stupid”. It has a strong negative feeli...
A little positive peer pressure can go a long way. Maybe set a reward that includes other people for when the task is completed. There’s even a little risk of being embarrassed if you don’t meet your goals. Such a gamble might make it more interesting for the thrill-seekers among ...
They suggest that vocabulary matters more for having positive engagement with classmates and teachers. “Inhibitory control,” or the ability to stop yourself from your initial impulses, may matter more for being engaged mentally with tasks and having fewer disruptive behaviors. ...
Stay positive by choosing words like “I can,”“I will try,”“It is possible,” and “I am capable.” Add positive affirmationsto your morning routine, such as “I am happy with who I am right now, ”“I am confident,”“I am strong,”“I am enough,” and “I choose to be...
Stay positive by choosing words like “I can,”“I will try,”“It is possible,” and “I am capable.” Add positive affirmationsto your morning routine, such as “I am happy with who I am right now, ”“I am confident,”“I am strong,”“I am enough,” and “I choose to be...
"We care for students with disabilities and illnesses by providing them with comprehensive education so as to help them build self-confidence, positive values, and develop their potential," Ko said. "This is the philosophy of Hospital Schools and also the mission of our fellow teachers." ...
Eventually, I decided to go tograduate schoolfor positive psychology to learn what truly makes people happy. But what I discovered there changed my life. The data showed that chasing happiness can make people unhappy. And what really struck me was this: the suicide rate has been rising around...