REVIEW:A REQUIEM FOR THE DEAD is the fourth instalment in Winter Austin’s contemporary, adult BENOIT AND DANE MYSTERY DAYNE murder, suspense thriller series focusing on small-town Sheriff Elizabeth “Ellie’ Benoit, and former Chicago police officer turned deputy Lila Dayne. A REQUIEM FOR THE DE...
Politically, Baum was a flaming liberal. His wife was the daughter of suffrage leader Matilda Joslyn Gage, author ofThe Women’s Bibleand companion to Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Baum wrote editorials trying to convince the public to vote for women’s suffrage and served as ...
Also because it snows and rains up here at the mountain house (nothing screams reckless youth more than a mountain house btw) we needed something that was weatherproof and sturdy. So I whipped out my laptop, closed some edgy tabs like Disney+ and ABC Mouse, and started a badass google se...