logging parameters and trees every 2 × 104generations. Then, Tracer v. 1.7 was used to check for convergence and mixing, making sure that ESS were well above 200. After implementing an adequate burn-in portion to
If both financial capability’s direct and interactive effect were considered, financial capability may decrease financial stress at much smaller rates than those without debt delinquencies. The situation was the worst among consumers with multiple delinquencies, in which the potential net effect of ...
Overall, the author made many strong claims, but she failed to provide adequate support. I would suggest her to learn abouthedging in writing(the way of making cautious claims). There are some grammatical mistake in the third sentence. “One of my Chinese friends” is not anindependent clause...
Log (as a classical prefix, infix, and suffix; log as a word implies, classically, word as an object; its quantum counterpart must be a quanton, thus we view 'o' to '¤' quantum~remediation as adequate except in some cases like quantum logic which becomes an oxymoron and we choose Ra...
efficientormostadequatecourseofaction.Pleaseseethesidemarginlinkfor moreonthissubject. 9 Lesson7outof13:DesignofExperiments-Guidelines ExperimentalDesignGuidelines Whileexecutingtheprocedureoutlinedearlier,keepthe followingguidelinesinmind: Awell-designedexperimentisassimpleas possible-obtainingtherequiredinformationin a...
In some embodiments, where the model web page does not contain adequate or appropriate rich media, the facility uses text associated with the model web page to automatically select stock photography images for inclusion in the advertising message generated by the facility. For example, the text ...
V e n k a t a c h a l a m P a n t u l u G a r u , Masulipatam, 1889.—This is an attempt to prove that the world was made out of nothing by a personal God, and that this theory is a much more reasonable supposition than those on which Hindu philosophy is founded....
outputsseemsmorelikewitchcraftthanscience.Operatorswithgoodintentionsrelyon experienceandintuitiontomakeprocessadjustments-sometimescorrectly,andoften incorrectly. Inordertoknowhowaprocessbehavesunderchangedconditions,weneedtochange thoseconditions.Thechangesmustbemadeinacontrolledandcarefullyplanned ...
societies Article Robots, Industry 4.0 and Humans, or Why Assembly Work Is More than Routine Work Sabine Pfeiffer Department of Sociology (550D), University of Hohenheim, Wollgrasweg 23, 70599 Stuttgart, Germany; soziologie@uni-hohenheim.de; Tel.: +49-711-459-22622 Academic Editors: António B...
The verb “to intend” is not a synonym of “to think”. First of all, the world has become a global village. In other words, people can get whatever, and wherever they want. For instance, last year, one of my Chinese friends, hevisited me and expressed his desire to eat “Sochian...