Home The Sims 4 Mods Parenting Skill for Teens & more Parenting Skill for Teens & more By LittleMsSam This mod author is aCurseForge Pro member Mods 958,783Donate DownloadInstallAbout Project Created Sep 1, 2022 Updated Oct 23, 2024 Project ID 666969 License All Rights Reserved...
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A example of small unexpected events could be burglers, sims get sick(I know we already have this but it doesn't happen as often as I would like), acne(teens get it randomly and feel embarrassed instead of just puttingit on in cas), getting arrested breaking curfew or vandalism, etc ...
EDIT: Tested your save. Are you sure all your mods are removed properly ? I still some left overs from a certain mod in your saves folder. Make sure to delete the localthumbcache and move those files to the desktop. It's working fine for me. No extensive auto-cooking. ...
MTaixcrounruosmsiucrinnaammeenss:is,B3miun,dBivuidnugaalrsu; sNmku, lNtiacjianctus; Dp, Dkeanoudtrhoias; pOihs ,pOolpyhlieoppihsa;gMusshpa,nMnaihc;rCucr,uCsesrpaisxteisi;cMerass1te–s3; ,DMs,iDcraubrouiasssiaumriennasims;eAnpsils,,A3giknisdtriovdiodnupaislcsi;vNorkus, Naja ka...
( gazou thaimisc bbs eyw More Hott Teens Nude 16914 Hot Babesnaked jbq GangbangsexFor Women 753591 sandra mod bbs 30284 bbs forms amp publications ydo Drunk Girlfucked After Mardi Gras 8OO Evywayab Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2009 - 7:05 pm: i'm fine good work Ebony Female...
Together with adult sims, all other ages (except infant) have additional trait slots now too: Elder: 5 traits Adult: 5 traits Young Adult: 5 traits Teens: 4 traits Children: 3 traits Toddlers: 2 traits Yes, you read right. Your toddlers can now be fussy and clingy. Isn't that great...
This mod increases the sadness level for children to +3 and the duration increases to 5 days. Teens didn't get sad at all, they just ignored the divorce. I think this was a bug or oversight as some of the files reference teens, but not all of them. This will give teens a sadness...
[ARCHIVED] Sims get narrow shoulders and loses jawline when aging up to teens","conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:11666327"},"id":"message:11666327","revisionNum":2,"uid":11666327,"depth":0,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:the-sims-4-bug-reports-archive-en"},"author"...
You can choose the following Sims to spawn: Toddler (spawn time 8 am - 6 pm) Children (spawn time 8 am - 8 pm) Teens (spawn time 8 am - Midnight) Young Adults Adults Elder Men (Age Teen - Adult) Women (Age Teen - Adult) ...