更多附魔(More Enchantments)Mod只要使用附魔便可直接附魔,最高等级的附魔书在“创造模式”中直接提供 【靴子附魔】 1. 迅捷: 每级附魔增加使用者 12.5%的行走和疾跑速度。 2. 跃进: 每级附魔让使用者跳跃高度增加一格。 3 冰径之途: @使玩家脚下的水面冻结. @当玩家踏过熔岩时使之冻结为黑曜石。如果玩家跑...
This mod aims to give the player more choices when it comes to enchantments, adding in some hopefully vanilla-friendly enchantments Currently, this mod adds: Leeching Veinminer Autosmelting Shocking Persist Vacuum Harvest This mod is also compatible with Enchantment Descriptions by defaultCurseForge...
我的世界基岩版Raiyon的更多附魔V1.2.2汉化版(附下载链接)/More Enchantments 11:38 [Addon]挑战新BOSS!我的世界1.20更多BOSS模组-欧贝隆V1.0汉化版(附下载链接)/Oberon/我的世界国际基岩版模组介绍 04:55 [Addon]物品信息显示?基岩版1.20辅助类模组Waio高亮显示V1.0.2汉化版(附下载链接)/手机国际版WAILA模组...
我的世界基岩版Raiyon的更多附魔V1.2.2汉化版(附下载链接)/More Enchantments 11:38 [Addon]挑战新BOSS!我的世界1.20更多BOSS模组-欧贝隆V1.0汉化版(附下载链接)/Oberon/我的世界国际基岩版模组介绍 04:55 [Addon]物品信息显示?基岩版1.20辅助类模组Waio高亮显示V1.0.2汉化版(附下载链接)/手机国际版WAILA模组...
The Enhanced Anvil function like Minecraft anvil. NOTE : Upgraded Enchantment Table and Enhanced Anvil can be remove by break it with your hand. Sword Enchantments 1.Boost Harvest Hold the sword while standing on a crop and then long press and the crop will grow INSTANTLY. ...
Forge implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:just-a-lot-more-enchantments-865111:6050807") Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet support mods that have disabled 3rd party sharing Learn more about Curse Maven Changelog Additional Files Related Projects Fixed an horrifying bug causing mobs wearing ...
stew. The golden mushroomacts like the golden apple and gives the user strength and absorption. It can also be crafted into a new andmore powerful suspicious stew. This stew grants the player arandom set of powerful enchantments. It's like a really beefed-up version of regular suspicious ...
According to the Minecraft Wiki, each "unit" of protection adds 4% to the damage reduction, meaning that it takes 20 units to reach the maximum 80%. (Note: Projectile Protection, Blast Protection, and Fire Protection are worth double, while Feather Falling is worth triple). However, it app...
This mod increases the number of catalog panel columns in CAS. Three mod options are available: 3 columns, 4 columns and 5 columns.WarningIf the resolution of your game is too low, there may not be enough space to display all the columns. 3 columns is not recommended if your resolution ...
An all new enchanting table: Choose your enchantments for fair prices! Plus no more randomness! www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/enchanting-infuser-forge License MPL-2.0 license 6stars8forksBranchesTagsActivity Star Notifications main 10Branches0Tags ...