If you have old versions of this addon you must delete.before you instal new version! If you want to post this addon on another website you must use the original download link! And if you review this addon on youtube,use the link to this page on mcpedl.com! If you like this you ...
Don't you repost this addon to another website and don't claim this addon as yours. And Please use the MCPEDL LINK.And Not the MEDIAFIRE LINK. Select version for changelog: ...
Added crafting recipes for all items and blocks Installation This add-on is updated to the latest beta. If you want to review/make a video about this content, at least credit me in the video/description Don't use your own link, use the proper link on MCPEDL If you wish to use ...
Gems and their Crafting Recipes Lastly and the most important of all is the new ore! This Addon adds a new ore called Red Emerald that generates underground from y-29 and below! It can be used to craft these new items or you can just keep them and pop them when your health is low!
The creative menu:At the moment the only way to get food is threw crafting and /give command. I can't add them to creative menu, unless I make them spawn eggs, but that can get messy, so I choose not to use them. I am trying to figure out a way to do it! Hope you guys und...
-Added picture of crafting recipe for the Zoranit-Sword on mcpedl -Added picture of furnace recipe for Zoranit on mcpedl Installation -You need to have the Minecraft 1.13-1.14 version [When you're playing it in lower versions the Salt ore and the Zoranit ore won't spawn naturally! ](...
Durability:16 Select version for changelog: Changelog added crafting recipes to the mcpedl page because I thought I had them on the page but I did not. Installation Make sure to have all the experiments on in your world so the add-on works....
If you don’t know how to apply addons to Minecraft, I recommend looking for a tutorial on youtube for your device, or look at the installation guides on MCPEDL. There is currently a bug causing mcpack/mcaddon files to fail to import on some devices. In order to import correctly, you...
1. Do not reupload this addon to third-party sites without my approval. 2. You can modify it but keep it only for yourself. 3. If you are going to make a showcase video of my addon use the MCPEDL link instead of the Mediafire link and give credits to me. Note New exciting feat...
Crafting Table The recipe of ordinary slabs is similar to the vanilla. The recipe of vertical slabs is to place three raw materials vertically on the crafting table. In addition, you can dye some blocks with dyes. Below are the recipes for the other blocks: ...