npj Science of Food. Bonhommeau, Sylvain, Laurent Dubroca, Olivier Le Pape, Julien Barde, David Kaplan, Emmanuel Chassot, and Anne-Elise. Nieblas. 2013. Eating up the world’s food web and the human trophic level.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of Americ...
Why not? Because Idon't think it carries a sense of obligation. I don't think anybody'sobliged to eat or not to eat strawberry ice cream. And it doesn't carrya notion of sanctions, meaning I don't think anybody should be punishedfor eating strawberry ice cream. On the other hand, ...
a specialist in criminal law, notes a definition in her paper on fantasy crime that “Essentially, criminal law is used to control the infliction of certain types of harm within a given society” (5). With these rules, a society can maintain its internal order...
The first involves the contrary values of eating for enjoyment and restricting foods in the name of health. Participants managed this dilemma by emphasizing the limits to dietary restraint and the importance of treating oneself to pleasurable "unhealthy" foods. The second dilemma relates to meat ...
Counterfeit moral claims can't be defended by reason, biomorality can. There is no way for example that empirical science could 'prove' that sex outside of marriage was harmful, that eating meat on certain fridays is somehow dangerous, or that walking about naked in your own home is wrong...
We may as well assert that because a child has thrived upon milk, that it is never to have meat, or that the first twenty years of our lives is to become a precedent for the next twenty. But even this is admitting more than is true, for I answer roundly, that America would have...
There are also economic realities reflected in efforts of some fast food corporations to have their products sold in schools. Of course what kids are eating is a concern with moral implications. In her research, Rice examines the amount of meat served in school lunches that comes from factory ...
Ideally, rabbits should be eating some straw, greens, carrots and grass, so slide all four of these options to 25%. Back out and order a weeks' worth of food. Back out and choose the Add Objects square in the bottom left of your screen, while still selecting the enclosure. Place a ...
Can coherence-based interventions change dogged moral beliefs about meat-eating? - ScienceDirect What causes people to change their beliefs about right and wrong? Coherence-based interventions can change people's moral beliefs about abstract moral prin... ZH A,JR B,CL C - 《Journal of Experiment...
Food and beverage firms are frequently criticised for their impact on the spread of non-communicable diseases like obesity and diabetes type 2. In this art