区别如下:道德危险因素(Moral Hazard)。指被保险人或者受益人出于谋取保险金赔款或给付的不良企图,故意制造危险事故,以至形成保险标的受损结果,或在保险标的受损时不采取减轻损失的有效措施,故意扩大保险标的的受损程度。如纵火焚烧房屋、凿沉船只、毁损车辆、受益人为谋取保险金蓄意谋害被保险人。心理危险...
道德风险(Moral hazard)是指在经济活动中,由于信息不对称和合同的不完全性,使得负有责任的经济行为主...
One type of moral hazard isex-ante. Ex-ante hazard defines the behavioral change of a policyholder before an event occurs. For example, suppose Aang, a professional cliff diver, does not have health insurance. They go through their career without doing the dangerous dives that could send them...
指与人的品行修养有关的无形因素。如诈骗、纵火等故意行为。3心理风险因素Morale hazard 指与人的心理状...
根据其性质,通常把风险因素分成实质风险因素 (Physical Hazard八道德风险因素(Moral Hazard )、( ) ( Morale Ha
(redirected from Morale hazard)Also found in: Thesaurus, Financial, Wikipedia. moral hazard n. 1. The risk to an insurance company that the holder of a policy will destroy the insured property in order to collect the monetary reimbursement available under the policy. 2. The risk that an ...
moral hazard n. 1.The risk to an insurance company that the holder of a policy will destroy the insured property in order to collect the monetary reimbursement available under the policy. 2.The risk that an individual or organization will behave recklessly or immorally when protected from the ...
经济学中的moral hazard应该是说在agent 的action 是hidden information的时候,principal如何设计出一个...