Parts of Beauchamp and Childress (2019) theory that focus on principles of justice, autonomy, and consent also belong here. All of these approaches to ethics broadly falls under the category we might describe as non-consequentialism. 4. However, see Sparrow (2011) for a particularly explicit ...
The next step is to transform it into a law of nature: ‘necessarily, in a circumstance with someone in need, everyone omits to help that person’. Imagine how this new law of nature would transform a social order like ours. In that imagined social order, is it possible to act ...
Social Exchange Theory vs. Empathy-Altruism 5:46 Prosocial Behavior | Definition, Benefits & Theories 5:03 Ethical & Psychological Egoism | Definition & Examples 5:54 Ch 5. Ethical Issues Ch 6. Social & Personal Ethical Issues Ch 7. Ethical Issues in Health &... Ch 8. The Ethics ...
The National Flood Insurance Program, created in 1968 under LBJ on the theory that the private insurance market couldn’t handle flood damage, presumed that Washington could. Like many of his Great Society initiatives, it has turned out to be an expensive tutorial on the perils of government in...
The theory is that cooking meat made our brains bigger. As it turns out, our brains run mainly on carbohydrates and we developed a special enzyme in our saliva called AMY-1 that helped us break down compounds in complex carbohydrates around the same time we learned to cook. The main item...
Utilitarianism is an ethical theory which is based upon utility, or doing that which produces the greatest happiness. According to a utilitarian the morality of act is found just if the consequence produces the greatest overall utility for everyone. However, if the greatest possible utility is not...
However, this theory has many weaknesses; it assumes we all agree about the relative merit of certain occupations, when in reality this is not true. It also assumes that there are no structural barriers in society to those who have talent, for example, race or gender. Although this meritocra...
This is called the "Trolley Problem" and is frequently discussed in moral theory. A husband learns he has a terminal illness and he decides to ask his wife for assistance in ending the pain before it gets too bad. A friend discovers her best friend’s boyfriend is cheating. She must ...
Our theory also suggests that moral injury, unlike PTSD symptoms with non-human analogs, would be unique to humans. Humans have evolved a psychology for norm acquisition that helps us learn about and adopt local moral norms, where “moral norms” are defined as “behavioral standards shared and...
That describes every moral theory I’m familiar with. Ultimately, every ethical theory can accept the weighing principle because the principle does not concern what reasons there are but rather how reasoning works. This is, again, what I mean when I said the principle is ecumenical. This ...