It should not be science and technology that determine our future, but we should all be part of the decision. For instance, Hurlbut (2015) argues that “It is our technologies that should be subject to democratically articulated imaginations of the future we want.” (2015, p. 12). Here,...
Control of content through the textbook system disincentivizes individual teachers from creating moral education content related to children’s everyday lives. This is not a great problem at elementary schools because other periods, such as ‘class activities’ and to a lesser extent integrated studies...
10 science chapter 1 ncert solutions for class 10 science chapter 2 ncert solutions for class 10 science chapter 3 ncert solutions for class 10 science chapter 4 ncert solutions for class 10 science chapter 5 ncert solutions for class 10 science chapter 6 ncert solutions for class 10 science ch...
which aims at providing life skills based training for the children through short films and documentaries.The aim of the study is to find out "The effectiveness of School Cinema in impartingValue Education in comparison to a moral science textbook".Another major aspect of the study is positioned...
Delphi is one of the first steps towards investigating the promises of teaching machines to predict human moral judgement through an open science approach. However, whether we should teach morality to machines at all—and whether such a goal could, in principle, ever be achieved—has long been ...
PDF Tools Share Abstract Moral education is one of the important teaching goals of modern education. It is not a clear, specific, and microexamination teaching like knowledge and science but a political, ideological, and moral education in the form of curriculum teaching. In the information age,...
School Cinema: Introduction of a 'reel' way of learning in schoolsPopular views of educational...Varghese, Aswathi MaryRaman, UshaIndian Association of Health, Research and WelfareInternational Journal of Education and Management Studies
Delphi is one of the first steps towards investigating the promises of teaching machines to predict human moral judgement through an open science approach. However, whether we should teach morality to machines at all—and whether such a goal could, in principle, ever be achieved—has long been ...
” The rise of modern Western medical science in China, though, created a severe “problem of medicine in China,” the most pressing aspect of which was the “socioeconomic problem of a lack of resources for medical treatment” (Chen1942: 1). In light of this national crisis, Chen ...