A story likeWolf Hollowfeatures a moral dilemma, to do with telling the truth or not in order to protect someone. Interestingly,Wolf Hollowwas originally written for adults, and revised for children when an editor saw a position for it on the children’s book market. Similarly, inLenny’s ...
Children learn their behavior from adults. Do not take out your anger or frustration on your child. Pause for moment when you are angry of frustrated, take a deep breath to let out the emotions and then talk to the child. If you have snapped at your child in anger, apologize to him ...
To determine whether children’s difficulty with harm-based situations reflects demand characteristics, a second set of experiments presented forty-three preschoolers and thirty-nine adults with a moral dilemma wherein they could choose to omit an action and maximize harm or act to minimize harm. ...
Findings suggest that people with schizophrenia focus equally on outcomes across moral-judgement conditions that ought normally to elicit an outcome-action discrepancy, suggesting that they are less influenced by an automatic aversive response to harmful acts in dilemma scenarios, consistent with a dual-...
We developed 11 moral dilemma scenarios in which a decision had to be made between adhering to a deontological rule (e.g., do not lie) or breaking that rule to produce a greater overall good outcome (see Appendix B for all eleven dilemmas). These scenarios therefore have the same basic ...
For the moral judgment task, the order of presentation of scenarios from each condition was randomized within subjects. Each dilemma description was presented in a single screen. Participants could read this screen at their own pace and move to the questions, by pressing the spacebar on the ...
One such process is based on care and concern for the welfare of another person and the other is based on a rule-based understanding of the moral system. For example, in a given moral dilemma, a person who uses an empathic process might decide to break a rule if it means preventing ...
eekum CM, Johnstone T, Kalin NH, Thurow ME, Schaefer HS, Jackson CA, Frye CJ, Greischar LL, Alexander AL, Davidson RJ: Amygdala and ventromedial prefrontal cortex are inversely coupled during regulation of negative affect and predict the diurnal pattern of cortisol secretion among older adults....
semiclinical moral judgment interview. His original interview posed ten hypotheticalmoral dilemmasdrawn, not from familiar episodes in the world of children (as were Piaget's) but from challenging problems in the world of adults. Kohlberg regarded the Heinz dilemma (slightly abbreviated here) as his...
(B) Each trial consisted of a priming phase and a moral dilemma. In the priming phase, subjects were first exposed to a forward- and backward-masked face prime. Masks and primes were all presented for 16.66 ms (one monitor refresh at 60 Hz). They then had to rate a neutral target ...